Versi terbaru dari Emulator ePSXe akhirnya resmi dirilis, Emulator PSX/PS1 terbaik dikalangan gamer ini secara resmi merilis versi terbarunya yaitu ePSXe 2.0 pada tanggal 17 Februari 2016 yang dapat anda unduh secara gratis diWeb official ePSXe. Banyak perbaikan dan peningkatan baik dari segi tampilan maupun kinerja emulasi yang akan sobat gamer temukan pada ePSXe 2.0. Berikut detilnya yang saya kutip dari webofficial ePSXe(
- First of all, ePSXe 2.0 now requires Windows Vista or superior. While it could work on Windows XP SP2, it has not been tested.
- Multi-language support. Currently there is support for English, Spanish, Japanese (thanks to Nekokabu) and Italian (thanks to Domus). If you want to help us translate the emulator to other language let us know at
- Added a gamelist window. Now you can open a gamelist window by selecting File->Open Gamelist or clicking on the letters "PSX" from the ePSXe logo.
- Improved CPU/overall timing accuracy.
- Improved GTE accuracy. and added support for widescreen and subpixel precision (GTE Accuracy hack thank to Edbla).
- Ported the Soft GPU from the Android version. The new GPU Core requires a videocard supporting OpenGL2 + GLSL shader. Supporting increased internal resolution at x2/x4, brightness profiles, stretching modes, 2D filters (Thanks to Zenju), Shaders (Thanks to Lottes & Hyllian), Scanlines and Sub-pixel precision. (Special thanks to Pete Bernert :)
- Included the Pete Opengl2 GPU core with support for sub-pixel precission (gte accuracy hack) and memory detection. Millions of thanks to Pete Bernert, Tapcio and Edbla.
- Teamviewer incompatibility is resolved with the internal GPU plugins.
- Added a configuration window to select options for the internal SPU Plugin.
- Fixed support for CDDA music in external SPU plugins.
- Improved the internal input plugin. Improved multitap andd added autofire support.
- Added support for Konami Justifier gun using the mouse.
- External Input plugins support.
- Added game profile by game.
- Improved auto-PPF support. (PPv3 and several files by game)
- Improved cheat support. Fixed cheatcodes gameshark conditional, added increment/decrement types (0x10-11, 0x20-21) and copy type (0xc2).
- Improved HLE bios emulation. Starting with version 1.9.25, the HLE bios has been improved to support more games: Wild Arms, Jet Moto, Toca World Touring, Simcity 2000. Memcards support was improved for a lot of games such as Dinocrisis 2, Metal Gear Solid, V-Rally2, Diablo, Ridge Racer Type 4, Driver, Echo Night and Azure Dreamns.
- Fixes to the CD-ROM decoder and the core which made around to 40 more games playable or better working: Agile Warrior F-111X, Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 2, Blasto (PAL), C-12 - Final Resistance, Captain Commando, Cinema Eikaiwa - Ai No Hate Ni, Cinema Eikaiwa - ArasshigaokaA, Cinema Eikaiwa - Interceptor, Cinema Eikaiwa - Tengoru Ni Ikenai Papa,, Cinema Eikaiwa - This boys life, Cinema Eikaiwa - Zombiew, Duke Nukem - Land of Babes (PAL), Fantastic Night Dreams - Cotton Original, Formula One 2000, Glocal Hexcite, Jumping Flash 2, Legend of Legaia, London Racer 2, Mary-Kate and Ashley - Crush Course (PAL), Mary Kate & Ashley - Magical Mystery Mall (PAL), Medievil, Medievil 2, Metal Slug - Super Vehicle 001, Maboroshi Tsukiyo, Millennium Soldier Expendable, Nightmare Creatures II, Nishijin Packinko Tengoku Vol 2, Perfect Weapon, Psybadek, Rock'n Roll Racing 2 - Red Asphalt (PAL), Rugrats Studio Tour (PAL), SD Gundam G Generation Zero, Sidewinder II, Slots, Soul Blade, Star Wars - Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire, Super Pang Collection, The Hive, USA Racer - A2 Racer goes USA, Virtua Pachi-Slot Olympia Special
(New logo thanks to Robert Typek).
Screen Shot:
Nah buat sobat gamer yang ingin mencoba ePSXe 2.0+Bios+Plugin(versi Full), sobat gamer bisa langsung download nih pada tautan link yang sudah saya sediakan dibawah ini.
*Link Download:
Selamat main sobat gamer :)
- Log pembaruan:
- First of all, ePSXe 2.0 now requires Windows Vista or superior. While it could work on Windows XP SP2, it has not been tested.
- Multi-language support. Currently there is support for English, Spanish, Japanese (thanks to Nekokabu) and Italian (thanks to Domus). If you want to help us translate the emulator to other language let us know at
- Added a gamelist window. Now you can open a gamelist window by selecting File->Open Gamelist or clicking on the letters "PSX" from the ePSXe logo.
- Improved CPU/overall timing accuracy.
- Improved GTE accuracy. and added support for widescreen and subpixel precision (GTE Accuracy hack thank to Edbla).
- Ported the Soft GPU from the Android version. The new GPU Core requires a videocard supporting OpenGL2 + GLSL shader. Supporting increased internal resolution at x2/x4, brightness profiles, stretching modes, 2D filters (Thanks to Zenju), Shaders (Thanks to Lottes & Hyllian), Scanlines and Sub-pixel precision. (Special thanks to Pete Bernert :)
- Included the Pete Opengl2 GPU core with support for sub-pixel precission (gte accuracy hack) and memory detection. Millions of thanks to Pete Bernert, Tapcio and Edbla.
- Teamviewer incompatibility is resolved with the internal GPU plugins.
- Added a configuration window to select options for the internal SPU Plugin.
- Fixed support for CDDA music in external SPU plugins.
- Improved the internal input plugin. Improved multitap andd added autofire support.
- Added support for Konami Justifier gun using the mouse.
- External Input plugins support.
- Added game profile by game.
- Improved auto-PPF support. (PPv3 and several files by game)
- Improved cheat support. Fixed cheatcodes gameshark conditional, added increment/decrement types (0x10-11, 0x20-21) and copy type (0xc2).
- Improved HLE bios emulation. Starting with version 1.9.25, the HLE bios has been improved to support more games: Wild Arms, Jet Moto, Toca World Touring, Simcity 2000. Memcards support was improved for a lot of games such as Dinocrisis 2, Metal Gear Solid, V-Rally2, Diablo, Ridge Racer Type 4, Driver, Echo Night and Azure Dreamns.
- Fixes to the CD-ROM decoder and the core which made around to 40 more games playable or better working: Agile Warrior F-111X, Arcade's Greatest Hits - The Atari Collection 2, Blasto (PAL), C-12 - Final Resistance, Captain Commando, Cinema Eikaiwa - Ai No Hate Ni, Cinema Eikaiwa - ArasshigaokaA, Cinema Eikaiwa - Interceptor, Cinema Eikaiwa - Tengoru Ni Ikenai Papa,, Cinema Eikaiwa - This boys life, Cinema Eikaiwa - Zombiew, Duke Nukem - Land of Babes (PAL), Fantastic Night Dreams - Cotton Original, Formula One 2000, Glocal Hexcite, Jumping Flash 2, Legend of Legaia, London Racer 2, Mary-Kate and Ashley - Crush Course (PAL), Mary Kate & Ashley - Magical Mystery Mall (PAL), Medievil, Medievil 2, Metal Slug - Super Vehicle 001, Maboroshi Tsukiyo, Millennium Soldier Expendable, Nightmare Creatures II, Nishijin Packinko Tengoku Vol 2, Perfect Weapon, Psybadek, Rock'n Roll Racing 2 - Red Asphalt (PAL), Rugrats Studio Tour (PAL), SD Gundam G Generation Zero, Sidewinder II, Slots, Soul Blade, Star Wars - Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire, Super Pang Collection, The Hive, USA Racer - A2 Racer goes USA, Virtua Pachi-Slot Olympia Special
(New logo thanks to Robert Typek).
Screen Shot:
Nah buat sobat gamer yang ingin mencoba ePSXe 2.0+Bios+Plugin(versi Full), sobat gamer bisa langsung download nih pada tautan link yang sudah saya sediakan dibawah ini.
*Link Download:
- Download ePSXe 2.0 Emulator
- Download Bios PSX Emulator
- Download Plugins PSX Emulator
- Memorycard manager(untuk membuat file memory card ePSXe Emulator)
- Download Game(ISO) PSX
Selamat main sobat gamer :)
gan,, kok wktu run yg memori ny mncul ini MSVBVM50.dll missing,
BalasHapussama kayak ane,....
HapusPc kalian harus install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio. Searching aja.
Hapusgan, waktu saya gunakan gameshark v5 tiba" close program waktu selesai booting
BalasHapustetapi kalau tidak gunakan gameshark bisa digunakan lancar
Coba pakai cheatnya jangan terlalu banyak buat tes apa masih error atau tidak.
Hapusmsh gan, saya cb 2 cheat jg tdk bs, tp low digunakan di 1.9.25 lancar jaya pki 65 cheat
HapusKemungkinan emulatornya nih gan, yaudah pake yg lama aja dulu nanti disave kemudian load diversi yg baru.
Hapusthx gan......
Hapuscoba pake CEP gan (Cheat Emulator PSX) selebihnya googling aja
HapusGan gimana caranya nyetel PEC ke epsxe versi 2.0 ?? Klo versi lama tahu, tapi versi 2.0 di config video gak ada PEC nya
BalasHapusPec gak bisa gan buat versi 2.0, udh ga support lagi pluginnya.
Hapuswah kalo itu epsxe versi terbaru itu perlu download cheat code. tanpa perlu capek kode cheat tertentu
HapusOwh, klo gitu gan tahu gak knpa bsa epsx v1.9.25 yg saya pake klo udah tersave terus mau ngeload datanya malah ilang ?
BalasHapusMungkin agan lupa ngesave di savestate brp atau diPC agan ada aplikasi Deep Frenzy.
HapusGimana cara setting nya gan??
BalasHapusAgan bisa baca dan download Konfigurasi emulator PSX(ePSXe, PSXFIN, PSXEVEN) disini:
HapusMf gan ko pnya saya saat mau run game jackie chan keluar missing frame buffer object extension.
BalasHapusIni harus ganti Plugins video, pake yg external plugins aja dulu tapi jangan yg seri OpenGL2.
Hapusmin kenapa punyaku gak bisa disetel emulator epsxenya, tulisanya close the progame terus ??
BalasHapusapa jangan-jangan gara-gara saya belom download Visual C++ Redistributable jadinya gak bisa dimainin ?
Bukan karena itu gan, mungkin karena Sistem operasi atau hardware yg ga mendukung.
Hapusthanks gan !!! LANCAR JAYA hahaha
BalasHapusSama-sama gan, mantap!
HapusMin, Ada yang versi 2.0.5 gak ?
BalasHapusAda, silahkan aja klik tautan link diatas nanti versi terbaru juga muncul kok.
Hapusaq make psx yg versi 1.13, format save nya psv, aq main game the legend of dragoon min. tiba2 macet di tengah jalan,,udah coba psx versi terbaru,,tapi ga bisa ngeload format psv min,,gmn dong?
BalasHapusDitranfer aja ke file Memorycard yg support sama emulator lain. Coba ikuti tutorial ini:
HapusGan kenapa pas di run langsung keluar tulisan "LoadLibrarry failed with error 998: Invalid acces to memory location"
BalasHapusVideo Plugin yang dipake apa gan?
Hapusmaaf gan kenapa ya ane maen harvestmoon dipc nah pas musim summer kebun sama rumahnya warna jadi blur dan acak acakan?
BalasHapusKemungkinan karena video plugin yang digunakan. Btw Video plugin yang digunakan apa ya?